There are 4 of us girls, Donna Jarrett, Judy West, Kim Romani and myself that have been on 2 of Janes’ Mystery Trips. They are fantastic and I don’t know how Jane can plan so many things to do in such a short time. We had a ball on both trips and we are looking forward to more!!!! Everyone on the trip is so friendly and all you have to do is sit back and enjoy yourself, while jane takes care of everything.
Brenda Spotanski says:
There are 4 of us girls, Donna Jarrett, Judy West, Kim Romani and myself that have been on 2 of Janes’ Mystery Trips. They are fantastic and I don’t know how Jane can plan so many things to do in such a short time. We had a ball on both trips and we are looking forward to more!!!! Everyone on the trip is so friendly and all you have to do is sit back and enjoy yourself, while jane takes care of everything.